Perl6-Rules v0.03 Perl 5 v5.37.1 x86_64-linux-ld

Andreas J. König (ANDK)
Perl6-Rules v0.03
Perl 5 v5.37.1 x86_64-linux-ld
This distribution has been tested as part of the CPAN Testers
project, supporting the Perl programming language.  See for more information or email
questions to

Dear Damian Conway,

This is a computer-generated report for Perl6-Rules-0.03
on perl 5.37.1, created by CPAN-Reporter-1.2018.

Thank you for uploading your work to CPAN.  However, there was a problem
testing your distribution.

If you think this report is invalid, please consult the CPAN Testers Wiki
for suggestions on how to avoid getting FAIL reports for missing library
or binary dependencies, unsupported operating systems, and so on:

Sections of this report:

    * Tester comments
    * Program output
    * Prerequisites
    * Environment and other context


Additional comments from tester:

this report is from an automated smoke testing program
and was not reviewed by a human for accuracy


Output from '/usr/bin/make test':

PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 "/tmp/basesmoker-reloperl-EMlz/bin/perl" "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
t/anchors.t ...................... ok
t/array_cap.t .................... ok
t/assert.t ....................... ok
t/capture.t ...................... ok
t/charset.t ...................... ok
t/codeblock.t .................... ok
t/codevars.t ..................... ok
t/combchar.t ..................... ok

#   Failed test 'Continued match pos'
#   at t/context.t line 6.

#   Failed test 'Insensitive continued match pos'
#   at t/context.t line 10.

#   Failed test 'Insensitive recontinued match pos'
#   at t/context.t line 13.

#   Failed test 'Insensitive repeated continued match'
#   at t/context.t line 17.

#   Failed test 'Insensitive repeated continued match pos'
#   at t/context.t line 18.

#   Failed test 'Insensitive scalar repeated continued match pos'
#   at t/context.t line 22.
# Looks like you failed 6 tests of 7.
t/context.t ...................... 
Dubious, test returned 6 (wstat 1536, 0x600)
Failed 6/7 subtests 

#   Failed test 'Interim position correct'
#   at t/continue.t line 6.

#   Failed test 'Final position correct'
#   at t/continue.t line 8.

#   Failed test 'Correctly substituted contiguously'
#   at t/continue.t line 13.
# Looks like you failed 3 tests of 6.
t/continue.t ..................... 
Dubious, test returned 3 (wstat 768, 0x300)
Failed 3/6 subtests 

#   Failed test 'No match nth(0)'
#   at t/counted.t line 14.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for nth(2)'
#   at t/counted.t line 20.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for nth(3)'
#   at t/counted.t line 23.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for nth(4)'
#   at t/counted.t line 26.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for nth(5)'
#   at t/counted.t line 29.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for nth(6)'
#   at t/counted.t line 32.

#   Failed test 'No match nth(7)'
#   at t/counted.t line 34.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for 2'
#   at t/counted.t line 41.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for 3'
#   at t/counted.t line 41.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for 4'
#   at t/counted.t line 41.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for 5'
#   at t/counted.t line 41.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for 6'
#   at t/counted.t line 41.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for 2st'
#   at t/counted.t line 51.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for 3st'
#   at t/counted.t line 54.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for 4st'
#   at t/counted.t line 57.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for 5st'
#   at t/counted.t line 60.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for 6st'
#   at t/counted.t line 63.

#   Failed test 'No match 7st'
#   at t/counted.t line 65.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for 2nd'
#   at t/counted.t line 74.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for 3nd'
#   at t/counted.t line 77.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for 4nd'
#   at t/counted.t line 80.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for 5nd'
#   at t/counted.t line 83.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for 6nd'
#   at t/counted.t line 86.

#   Failed test 'No match 7nd'
#   at t/counted.t line 88.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for 2rd'
#   at t/counted.t line 97.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for 3rd'
#   at t/counted.t line 100.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for 4rd'
#   at t/counted.t line 103.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for 5rd'
#   at t/counted.t line 106.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for 6rd'
#   at t/counted.t line 109.

#   Failed test 'No match 7rd'
#   at t/counted.t line 111.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for 2th'
#   at t/counted.t line 120.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for 3th'
#   at t/counted.t line 123.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for 4th'
#   at t/counted.t line 126.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for 5th'
#   at t/counted.t line 129.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for 6th'
#   at t/counted.t line 132.

#   Failed test 'No match 7th'
#   at t/counted.t line 134.

#   Failed test 'Can't substitute 0th'
#   at t/counted.t line 140.

#   Failed test 'No change to data for 0th'
#   at t/counted.t line 141.

#   Failed test 'substituted 2nd correctly'
#   at t/counted.t line 149.

#   Failed test 'substituted 3rd correctly'
#   at t/counted.t line 153.

#   Failed test 'substituted 4th correctly'
#   at t/counted.t line 157.

#   Failed test 'substituted 5th correctly'
#   at t/counted.t line 161.

#   Failed test 'substituted 6th correctly'
#   at t/counted.t line 165.

#   Failed test 'Can't substitute 7th'
#   at t/counted.t line 168.

#   Failed test 'No change to data for 7th'
#   at t/counted.t line 169.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for 3rd f[\d|\w+]'
#   at t/counted.t line 175.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for 3th <ident>'
#   at t/counted.t line 178.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for 3th \b <ident>'
#   at t/counted.t line 181.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for x(0)'
#   at t/counted.t line 195.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for x(2)'
#   at t/counted.t line 201.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for x(2) with <ws>'
#   at t/counted.t line 204.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for x(3)'
#   at t/counted.t line 207.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for x(4)'
#   at t/counted.t line 210.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for x(5)'
#   at t/counted.t line 213.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for x(6)'
#   at t/counted.t line 216.

#   Failed test 'no match x(7)'
#   at t/counted.t line 218.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for 2'
#   at t/counted.t line 224.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for 3'
#   at t/counted.t line 224.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for 4'
#   at t/counted.t line 224.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for 5'
#   at t/counted.t line 224.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for 6'
#   at t/counted.t line 224.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for 2x'
#   at t/counted.t line 233.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for 3x'
#   at t/counted.t line 236.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for 4x'
#   at t/counted.t line 239.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for 5x'
#   at t/counted.t line 242.

#   Failed test 'Matched value for 6x'
#   at t/counted.t line 245.

#   Failed test 'No match 7x'
#   at t/counted.t line 247.

#   Failed test 'Can't substitute 0x'
#   at t/counted.t line 252.

#   Failed test 'No change to data for 0x'
#   at t/counted.t line 253.

#   Failed test 'substituted 2x correctly'
#   at t/counted.t line 261.

#   Failed test 'substituted 3x correctly'
#   at t/counted.t line 265.

#   Failed test 'substituted 4x correctly'
#   at t/counted.t line 269.

#   Failed test 'substituted 5x correctly'
#   at t/counted.t line 273.

#   Failed test 'substituted 6x correctly'
#   at t/counted.t line 277.

#   Failed test 'substituted 7x correctly'
#   at t/counted.t line 281.

#   Failed test 'substituted :g:1st correctly'
#   at t/counted.t line 296.

#   Failed test 'substituted :g:2nd correctly'
#   at t/counted.t line 300.

#   Failed test 'substituted :g:3rd correctly'
#   at t/counted.t line 304.

#   Failed test 'substituted :g:4th correctly'
#   at t/counted.t line 308.

#   Failed test 'substituted :g:5th correctly'
#   at t/counted.t line 312.

#   Failed test 'substituted :g:6th correctly'
#   at t/counted.t line 316.

#   Failed test 'Global :7th match'
#   at t/counted.t line 319.

#   Failed test 'substituted :g:7th correctly'
#   at t/counted.t line 320.
# Looks like you failed 83 tests of 172.
t/counted.t ...................... 
Dubious, test returned 83 (wstat 21248, 0x5300)
Failed 83/172 subtests 
t/der_grammar.t .................. ok

#   Failed test 'Missing parens after :nth modifier'
#   at /home/sand/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/host/k93jammy/v5.37.1/5674/lib/5.37.1/Test/ line 193.

#   Failed test 'Missing parens after :x modifier'
#   at /home/sand/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/host/k93jammy/v5.37.1/5674/lib/5.37.1/Test/ line 193.

#   Failed test 'Invalid quantifier: /abc(* <--HERE .../'
#   at /home/sand/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/host/k93jammy/v5.37.1/5674/lib/5.37.1/Test/ line 193.

#   Failed test 'Invalid quantifier: /abc(*d)*<4> <--HERE .../'
#   at /home/sand/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/host/k93jammy/v5.37.1/5674/lib/5.37.1/Test/ line 193.

#   Failed test 'The use of variables in repetitions is not yet supported: <$n>'
#   at /home/sand/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/host/k93jammy/v5.37.1/5674/lib/5.37.1/Test/ line 193.

#   Failed test 'The use of variables in repetitions is not yet supported: <1,$n>'
#   at /home/sand/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/host/k93jammy/v5.37.1/5674/lib/5.37.1/Test/ line 193.

#   Failed test 'Cannot interpolate $1 as pattern'
#   at /home/sand/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/host/k93jammy/v5.37.1/5674/lib/5.37.1/Test/ line 193.

#   Failed test 'Invalid Perl 6 pattern (perhaps mismatched brackets?): m/(1)>1/;'
#   at /home/sand/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/host/k93jammy/v5.37.1/5674/lib/5.37.1/Test/ line 193.

#   Failed test 'Invalid Perl 6 pattern (perhaps mismatched brackets?): m/2>2/;'
#   at /home/sand/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/host/k93jammy/v5.37.1/5674/lib/5.37.1/Test/ line 193.

#   Failed test 'Invalid Perl 6 pattern (perhaps mismatched brackets?): m/3<3/;'
#   at /home/sand/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/host/k93jammy/v5.37.1/5674/lib/5.37.1/Test/ line 193.

#   Failed test 'Invalid Perl 6 pattern (perhaps mismatched brackets?): m/5[5[5]/;'
#   at /home/sand/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/host/k93jammy/v5.37.1/5674/lib/5.37.1/Test/ line 193.

#   Failed test 'Invalid Perl 6 pattern (perhaps mismatched brackets?): s/(<f>}4/zero/;'
#   at /home/sand/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/host/k93jammy/v5.37.1/5674/lib/5.37.1/Test/ line 193.

#   Failed test 'Can't specify both :globally and :x(2) on the same rule'
#   at /home/sand/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/host/k93jammy/v5.37.1/5674/lib/5.37.1/Test/ line 193.

#   Failed test 'Fatal errors in one or more Perl 6 rules'
#   at /home/sand/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/host/k93jammy/v5.37.1/5674/lib/5.37.1/Test/ line 193.
# Looks like your test exited with 12 just after 16.
t/error.t ........................ 
Dubious, test returned 12 (wstat 3072, 0xc00)
Failed 14/16 subtests 

#   Failed test 'Correct number of matches (1)'
#   at t/exhaustive.t line 22.
Can't locate object method "pos" via package "abrAcadAbbra" (perhaps you forgot to load "abrAcadAbbra"?) at t/exhaustive.t line 27.
# Looks like your test exited with 255 just after 3.
t/exhaustive.t ................... 
Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
Failed 1/3 subtests 
t/grammar.t ...................... ok

#   Failed test 'a key'
#   at t/hash_cap.t line 120.

#   Failed test 'c key'
#   at t/hash_cap.t line 122.

#   Failed test 't key'
#   at t/hash_cap.t line 127.

#   Failed test 'No other bases'
#   at t/hash_cap.t line 129.

#   Failed test 'Hash interpolation'
#   at t/hash_cap.t line 133.

#   Failed test 'a key'
#   at t/hash_cap.t line 134.

#   Failed test 'G key'
#   at t/hash_cap.t line 138.

#   Failed test 't key'
#   at t/hash_cap.t line 140.

#   Failed test 'No other bases'
#   at t/hash_cap.t line 142.

#   Failed test 'Trailing aca'
#   at t/hash_cap.t line 143.
# Looks like you failed 10 tests of 116.
t/hash_cap.t ..................... 
Dubious, test returned 10 (wstat 2560, 0xa00)
Failed 10/116 subtests 

#   Failed test 'Simple hash repeated matching'
#   at t/hashkv.t line 22.

#   Failed test 'Simple hash interpolation (c3)'
#   at t/hashkv.t line 36.

#   Failed test 'Simple hash interpolation (e3)'
#   at t/hashkv.t line 37.

#   Failed test 'Nested hash interpolation (c)'
#   at t/hashkv.t line 39.

#   Failed test 'Simple hash repeated matching (c3 e3 e3 c3)'
#   at t/hashkv.t line 48.
# Looks like you failed 5 tests of 23.
t/hashkv.t ....................... 
Dubious, test returned 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
Failed 5/23 subtests 
t/inline.t ....................... ok

#   Failed test 'Simple hash repeated matching'
#   at t/litvar.t line 61.
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 29.
t/litvar.t ....................... 
Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 1/29 subtests 
t/lookaround.t ................... ok

#   Failed test 'Captured <alpha>'
#   at t/named_cap.t line 25.

#   Failed test 'Captured <ident>'
#   at t/named_cap.t line 26.

#   Failed test 'Captured $first'
#   at t/named_cap.t line 30.

#   Failed test 'Captured $family'
#   at t/named_cap.t line 31.

#   Failed test 'Captured <ident>'
#   at t/named_cap.t line 32.

#   Failed test 'Pair match'
#   at t/named_cap.t line 34.

#   Failed test 'Key match'
#   at t/named_cap.t line 37.

#   Failed test 'Value match'
#   at t/named_cap.t line 38.

#   Failed test 'Pair match'
#   at t/named_cap.t line 40.

#   Failed test 'Reverse key match'
#   at t/named_cap.t line 43.

#   Failed test 'Reverse value match'
#   at t/named_cap.t line 44.
# Looks like you failed 11 tests of 26.
t/named_cap.t .................... 
Dubious, test returned 11 (wstat 2816, 0xb00)
Failed 11/26 subtests 
Undefined subroutine &Perl6::Rules::CODE(0x559ca4ca2d38) called at (eval 11) line 1.
t/named_chars.t .................. 
Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
No subtests run 
t/newline.t ...................... ok
t/noncap.t ....................... ok
t/null.t ......................... ok

#   Failed test 'Correct number of matches (1)'
#   at t/overlapping.t line 16.
Can't locate object method "pos" via package "abrAcadAbbra" (perhaps you forgot to load "abrAcadAbbra"?) at t/overlapping.t line 21.
# Looks like your test exited with 255 just after 3.
t/overlapping.t .................. 
Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
Failed 1/3 subtests 

#   Failed test 'Simple hash interpolation (a)'
#   at t/patvar.t line 40.

#   Failed test 'Simple hash interpolation (b)'
#   at t/patvar.t line 41.

#   Failed test 'Simple hash interpolation (c)'
#   at t/patvar.t line 42.

#   Failed test 'Nested hash interpolation (a)'
#   at t/patvar.t line 44.

#   Failed test 'Simple hash repeated matching'
#   at t/patvar.t line 50.
# Looks like you failed 5 tests of 19.
t/patvar.t ....................... 
Dubious, test returned 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
Failed 5/19 subtests 
t/pos.t .......................... ok
t/prior.t ........................ ok
t/prior_interp.t ................. ok
Can't find Unicode property definition "BidiL" in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/(?xm)(?{local (@Perl6::Rules::d0,%Perl6::Rules::d0);local$Perl6::Rules::startpos=pos;})((?:\A(?:(?:(?:\p{BidiL} <-- HERE )))\z))(?{Perl6::Rules::Match::_success();$Perl6::Rules::prior = 734;})|(?{Perl6::Rules::Match::_failure})(?!)/ at (eval 743) line 1.
t/propcharset_slow_to_compile.t .. 
Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
No subtests run 

#   Failed test 'Don't match unrelated <L> (Letter)'
#   at t/properties_slow_to_compile.t line 12.

#   Failed test 'Match unrelated negated <L> (Letter)'
#   at t/properties_slow_to_compile.t line 13.

#   Failed test 'Match unrelated inverted <L> (Letter)'
#   at t/properties_slow_to_compile.t line 14.

#   Failed test 'Don't match unrelated <Letter>'
#   at t/properties_slow_to_compile.t line 20.

#   Failed test 'Match unrelated negated <Letter>'
#   at t/properties_slow_to_compile.t line 21.

#   Failed test 'Match unrelated inverted <Letter>'
#   at t/properties_slow_to_compile.t line 22.

#   Failed test 'Don't match unrelated <OtherLetter>'
#   at t/properties_slow_to_compile.t line 133.

#   Failed test 'Match unrelated negated <OtherLetter>'
#   at t/properties_slow_to_compile.t line 134.

#   Failed test 'Match unrelated inverted <OtherLetter>'
#   at t/properties_slow_to_compile.t line 135.

#   Failed test 'Match <C> (Other)'
#   at t/properties_slow_to_compile.t line 711.

#   Failed test 'Don't match negated <C> (Other)'
#   at t/properties_slow_to_compile.t line 712.

#   Failed test 'Don't match inverted <C> (Other)'
#   at t/properties_slow_to_compile.t line 713.

#   Failed test 'Match unanchored <C> (Other)'
#   at t/properties_slow_to_compile.t line 717.

#   Failed test 'Match <Other>'
#   at t/properties_slow_to_compile.t line 719.

#   Failed test 'Don't match negated <Other>'
#   at t/properties_slow_to_compile.t line 720.

#   Failed test 'Don't match inverted <Other>'
#   at t/properties_slow_to_compile.t line 721.

#   Failed test 'Match unanchored <Other>'
#   at t/properties_slow_to_compile.t line 725.

#   Failed test 'Match <Format>'
#   at t/properties_slow_to_compile.t line 766.

#   Failed test 'Don't match negated <Format>'
#   at t/properties_slow_to_compile.t line 767.

#   Failed test 'Don't match inverted <Format>'
#   at t/properties_slow_to_compile.t line 768.

#   Failed test 'Match unanchored <Format>'
#   at t/properties_slow_to_compile.t line 772.
Can't find Unicode property definition "BidiL" in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/\p{BidiL} <-- HERE / at /tmp/loop_over_bdir-2758749-k2VF8S/Perl6-Rules-0.03-0/blib/lib/Perl6/ line 1568.
# Looks like your test exited with 255 just after 594.
t/properties_slow_to_compile.t ... 
Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
Failed 21/594 subtests 
t/qinterp.t ...................... ok
t/repeat.t ....................... ok
t/rulecode.t ..................... ok
t/self.t ......................... ok
t/stdrules.t ..................... ok
t/subrule.t ...................... ok
t/subst.t ........................ ok
# Looks like your test exited with 9 just after 10.
t/unimplemented.t ................ 
Dubious, test returned 9 (wstat 2304, 0x900)
All 10 subtests passed 

#   Failed test 'Word space match'
#   at t/word.t line 7.

#   Failed test 'Word newline match'
#   at t/word.t line 8.

#   Failed test 'Word nonspace nonmatch'
#   at t/word.t line 9.

#   Failed test 'Word pre-shriek match'
#   at t/word.t line 14.

#   Failed test 'Word post-shriek match'
#   at t/word.t line 18.

#   Failed test 'Literal multi-shriek match'
#   at t/word.t line 22.
# Looks like you failed 6 tests of 16.
t/word.t ......................... 
Dubious, test returned 6 (wstat 1536, 0x600)
Failed 6/16 subtests 

Test Summary Report
t/context.t                    (Wstat: 1536 (exited 6) Tests: 7 Failed: 6)
  Failed tests:  2-7
  Non-zero exit status: 6
t/continue.t                   (Wstat: 768 (exited 3) Tests: 6 Failed: 3)
  Failed tests:  2, 4, 6
  Non-zero exit status: 3
t/counted.t                    (Wstat: 21248 (exited 83) Tests: 172 Failed: 83)
  Failed tests:  1, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13-14, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26
                30, 32, 34, 36, 38-39, 43, 45, 47, 49, 51-52
                56, 58, 60, 62, 64-65, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77-80
                84, 86, 88, 90, 92-94, 96, 98, 100, 102
                106, 108, 110, 112, 114, 116-117, 121, 123
                125, 127, 129, 133, 135, 137, 139, 141-144
                148, 150, 152, 154, 156, 158, 160, 162
                164, 166, 168, 170-172
  Non-zero exit status: 83
t/error.t                      (Wstat: 3072 (exited 12) Tests: 16 Failed: 14)
  Failed tests:  3-16
  Non-zero exit status: 12
t/exhaustive.t                 (Wstat: 65280 (exited 255) Tests: 3 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  2
  Non-zero exit status: 255
t/hash_cap.t                   (Wstat: 2560 (exited 10) Tests: 116 Failed: 10)
  Failed tests:  96, 98, 103, 105-107, 111, 113, 115-116
  Non-zero exit status: 10
t/hashkv.t                     (Wstat: 1280 (exited 5) Tests: 23 Failed: 5)
  Failed tests:  11, 17-18, 20, 23
  Non-zero exit status: 5
t/litvar.t                     (Wstat: 256 (exited 1) Tests: 29 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  29
  Non-zero exit status: 1
t/named_cap.t                  (Wstat: 2816 (exited 11) Tests: 26 Failed: 11)
  Failed tests:  15-16, 18-26
  Non-zero exit status: 11
t/named_chars.t                (Wstat: 65280 (exited 255) Tests: 0 Failed: 0)
  Non-zero exit status: 255
  Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output
t/overlapping.t                (Wstat: 65280 (exited 255) Tests: 3 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  2
  Non-zero exit status: 255
t/patvar.t                     (Wstat: 1280 (exited 5) Tests: 19 Failed: 5)
  Failed tests:  13-15, 17, 19
  Non-zero exit status: 5
t/propcharset_slow_to_compile.t (Wstat: 65280 (exited 255) Tests: 0 Failed: 0)
  Non-zero exit status: 255
  Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output
t/properties_slow_to_compile.t (Wstat: 65280 (exited 255) Tests: 594 Failed: 21)
  Failed tests:  4-6, 11-13, 99-101, 544-546, 550-553, 557
                588-590, 594
  Non-zero exit status: 255
t/unimplemented.t              (Wstat: 2304 (exited 9) Tests: 10 Failed: 0)
  Non-zero exit status: 9
t/word.t                       (Wstat: 1536 (exited 6) Tests: 16 Failed: 6)
  Failed tests:  3-5, 9, 12, 15
  Non-zero exit status: 6
Files=41, Tests=1618, 18 wallclock secs ( 0.19 usr  0.09 sys + 15.17 cusr  2.52 csys = 17.97 CPU)
Result: FAIL
Failed 16/41 test programs. 167/1618 subtests failed.
make: *** [Makefile:842: test_dynamic] Error 6


Prerequisite modules loaded:


    Module              Need Have
    ------------------- ---- ----
    Attribute::Handlers 0.78 1.02
    Filter::Simple      0.78 0.96


    Module              Need Have
    ------------------- ---- ----
    ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0    7.64


Environment variables:

    LANG = en_US.UTF-8
    LC_ADDRESS = de_DE.UTF-8
    LC_NAME = de_DE.UTF-8
    LC_NUMERIC = de_DE.UTF-8
    LC_PAPER = de_DE.UTF-8
    LC_TIME = de_DE.UTF-8
    PATH = /home/sand/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin:/usr/local/perl/bin:/usr/X11/bin
    PERL5LIB = /tmp/loop_over_bdir-2758749-k2VF8S/mmds-1.902-0/blib/arch:/tmp/loop_over_bdir-2758749-k2VF8S/mmds-1.902-0/blib/lib:/tmp/loop_over_bdir-2758749-k2VF8S/ProjectBuilder-0.14.1-0/blib/arch:/tmp/loop_over_bdir-2758749-k2VF8S/ProjectBuilder-0.14.1-0/blib/lib:/tmp/loop_over_bdir-2758749-k2VF8S/Alien-SNMP-MIBDEV-2.020000-0/blib/arch:/tmp/loop_over_bdir-2758749-k2VF8S/Alien-SNMP-MIBDEV-2.020000-0/blib/lib:/tmp/loop_over_bdir-2758749-k2VF8S/perl-Hardware-UPS-Perl-0.43-0/blib/arch:/tmp/loop_over_bdir-2758749-k2VF8S/perl-Hardware-UPS-Perl-0.43-0/blib/lib:/tmp/loop_over_bdir-2758749-k2VF8S/RDF-NLP-SPARQLQuery-0.1-0/blib/arch:/tmp/loop_over_bdir-2758749-k2VF8S/RDF-NLP-SPARQLQuery-0.1-0/blib/lib:/tmp/loop_over_bdir-2758749-k2VF8S/NoZone-1.3-0/blib/arch:/tmp/loop_over_bdir-2758749-k2VF8S/NoZone-1.3-0/blib/lib:/tmp/loop_over_bdir-2758749-k2VF8S/Sysync-0.35-0/blib/arch:/tmp/loop_over_bdir-2758749-k2VF8S/Sysync-0.35-0/blib/lib:/tmp/loop_over_bdir-2758749-k2VF8S/Device-Kiln-0.03-0/blib/arch:/tmp/loop_over_bdir-2758749-k2VF8S/Device-Kiln-0.03-0/blib/lib:/tmp/loop_over_bdir-2758749-k2VF8S/dta-tokwrap-0.98-0/blib/arch:/tmp/loop_over_bdir-2758749-k2VF8S/dta-tokwrap-0.98-0/blib/lib:/tmp/loop_over_bdir-2758749-k2VF8S/Business-Shipping-DataFiles-1.02-0/blib/arch:/tmp/loop_over_bdir-2758749-k2VF8S/Business-Shipping-DataFiles-1.02-0/blib/lib:/tmp/loop_over_bdir-2758749-k2VF8S/Linux-InitFS-0.2-0/blib/arch:/tmp/loop_over_bdir-2758749-k2VF8S/Linux-InitFS-0.2-0/blib/lib:/tmp/loop_over_bdir-2758749-k2VF8S/LiquidWeb-Storm-CLI-1.03-0/blib/arch:/tmp/loop_over_bdir-2758749-k2VF8S/LiquidWeb-Storm-CLI-1.03-0/blib/lib:/tmp/loop_over_bdir-2758749-k2VF8S/Dpkg-1.21.9-0/blib/arch:/tmp/loop_over_bdir-2758749-k2VF8S/Dpkg-1.21.9-0/blib/lib:/tmp/loop_over_bdir-2758749-k2VF8S/Debian-Packages-0.03-0/blib/arch:/tmp/loop_over_bdir-2758749-k2VF8S/Debian-Packages-0.03-0/blib/lib:/tmp/loop_over_bdir-2758749-k2VF8S/triceps-2.1.0-0/blib/arch:/tmp/loop_over_bdir-2758749-k2VF8S/triceps-2.1.0-0/blib/lib:/tmp/loop_over_bdir-2758749-k2VF8S/Devel-Required-0.16-0/blib/arch:/tmp/loop_over_bdir-2758749-k2VF8S/Devel-Required-0.16-0/blib/lib:/tmp/loop_over_bdir-2758749-k2VF8S/CGI-Application-NetNewsIface-0.0204-0/blib/arch:/tmp/loop_over_bdir-2758749-k2VF8S/CGI-Application-NetNewsIface-0.0204-0/blib/lib:/tmp/loop_over_bdir-2758749-k2VF8S/Simulation-Automate-1.0.1-0/blib/arch:/tmp/loop_over_bdir-2758749-k2VF8S/Simulation-Automate-1.0.1-0/blib/lib:/tmp/loop_over_bdir-2758749-k2VF8S/DBIx-Migration-Directories-0.12-0/blib/arch:/tmp/loop_over_bdir-2758749-k2VF8S/DBIx-Migration-Directories-0.12-0/blib/lib
    PERL5OPT = 
    PERL5_CPAN_IS_RUNNING = 2758757
    SHELL = /usr/bin/zsh
    TERM = screen

Perl special variables (and OS-specific diagnostics, for MSWin32):

    $^X = /tmp/basesmoker-reloperl-EMlz/bin/perl
    $UID/$EUID = 1005 / 1005
    $GID = 1005 1005
    $EGID = 1005 1005

Perl module toolchain versions installed:

    Module              Have    
    ------------------- --------
    CPAN                2.34    
    CPAN::Meta          2.150010
    Cwd                 3.85    
    ExtUtils::CBuilder  0.280237
    ExtUtils::Command   7.64    
    ExtUtils::Install   2.20    
    ExtUtils::MakeMaker 7.64    
    ExtUtils::Manifest  1.73    
    ExtUtils::ParseXS   3.45    
    File::Spec          3.85    
    JSON                4.07    
    JSON::PP            4.10    
    Module::Build       0.4231  
    Module::Signature   0.88    
    Parse::CPAN::Meta   2.150010
    Test::Harness       3.44    
    Test::More          1.302190
    YAML                1.30    
    YAML::Syck          1.34    
    version             0.9929  


Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 37 subversion 1) configuration:
  Commit id: a33f7527640f5a662130b55a9fc8c2302b3b38f6
    uname='linux k93jammy 5.15.0-39-generic #42-ubuntu smp thu jun 9 23:42:32 utc 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 gnulinux '
    config_args='-Dprefix=/home/sand/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/host/k93jammy/v5.37.1/5674 -Dmyhostname=k93jammy -Dinstallusrbinperl=n -Uversiononly -Dusedevel -des -Ui_db -Dlibswanted=cl pthread socket inet nsl gdbm dbm malloc dl ld sun m crypt sec util c cposix posix ucb BSD gdbm_compat -Uuseithreads -Duselongdouble -DEBUGGING=-g'
    ccflags ='-fwrapv -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -I/usr/local/include -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64'
    optimize='-O2 -g'
    cppflags='-fwrapv -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -I/usr/local/include'
    nvtype='long double'
  Linker and Libraries:
    ldflags =' -fstack-protector-strong -L/usr/local/lib'
    libpth=/usr/local/lib /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /usr/lib /usr/lib64
    libs=-lpthread -lnsl -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lc
    perllibs=-lpthread -lnsl -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lc
  Dynamic Linking:
    lddlflags='-shared -O2 -g -L/usr/local/lib -fstack-protector-strong'

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl): 
  Compile-time options:
  Built under linux
  Compiled at Jun 28 2022 06:43:33